News from the NIT
Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter from the Netherlands Institute in Turkey, where we’re thrilled to share updates on our upcoming events and exciting projects.
NIT Urban Heritage Lab 2024 Autumn Course: Historic Ports, Future Cities: Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Urban Development

Explore the intricate layers of urban history and the challenges of integrating heritage into contemporary cityscapes with our upcoming course, Historic Ports, Future Cities: Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Urban Development. Following the success of our previous editions focusing on industrial, water and archaeological heritage in urban contexts, this year, we shift our attention to the fascinating realm of historic port cities. Led by a panel of esteemed international experts, this course offers 20 graduate students and junior professionals from universities and institutions in the Netherlands and Turkey the opportunity to engage in discussions, research, and collaborative projects.
Featuring a hybrid format with weekly online sessions and three days of in-person site visits scheduled for October in Izmir, participants will gain insights into the integration of the heritage of ports into modern urban planning and design. The Urban Heritage Lab 2024 will take as a case study the port areas of Izmir, a pivotal city in the Eastern Mediterranean, a crossroad of cultures and civilizations. Applications for this unique opportunity are now open until 30 August 2024. For further details and to apply, please visit here.
Apply for NIT Fellowships for Autumn 2024

In the autumn of 2024, NIT offers two types of fellowships at the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (Istanbul). Please go here for more information about the fellowships and the application form.
Residential Fellowships
NIT offers two residential fellowships for the autumn of 2024. This fellowship offer includes free accommodation in an apartment near the institute and 24/7 access to the NIT library for four weeks.
Deadline for applications: 31 July 2024
Fellowship periods
Period 1: 7 October – 3 November 2024 (1 fellowship)
Period 2: 4 November – 1 December 2024 (1 fellowship)
Non-Residential Fellowships
NIT offers two non-residential fellowships during the Autumn of 2024. This fellowship includes an allowance of 400 euros for travel and living expenses and 24/7 access to the NIT library.
There is a rolling deadline; the applications will be evaluated as they come.
Fellowship period
One month between September 1 and December 30, 2024.
Call for Papers: Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop

The Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop is a new initiative that aims to offer a platform for dialogue and exchange for all those interested in scientific research on the Chalcolithic Period in Anatolia.
The first meeting of the new initiative of the Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop will be a one-day online event on January 10, 2025. Researchers interested in presenting a 20-minute lecture in English on one or more of the following topics are invited to submit a 200-word abstract by email to anatolianchalcolithicworkshop@gmail.com before September 15, 2024. In case there are too many submissions, we will make a selection of those papers that best fit the selected topics. We plan to announce the program by October 15, 2024.
Themes and Topic
For the 2025 meeting, we invite abstracts on new and ongoing research on one or more of the following themes:
- Material cultures and cultural systems
- Chronologies and periodization
- Technologies and productions
- Landscapes and settlement patterns
- Subsistence and economies
The geographical and temporal focus of this first meeting will be on Central-South-Eastern Anatolia (the region between Cilicia in the West, the Euphrates in the East, Cappadocia in the North, and Hatay in the South) during the sixth, fifth and first half of the fourth millennium.
Anatolica 51 (2025)
The editorial process for Anatolica 50 is well underway and the issue is scheduled to appear at the end of 2024. Submissions for volume 51 can be submitted at any time before November 30, 2024. Please go here for details about publishing in Anatolica.